IoT Use Cases

IoT Use Cases:

  1. IoT Public:
    • Smart Metering: Smart metering helps saves manpower by remotely collecting electricity, water and gas meter data over the cellular network.
    • Alarms & Event Detectors: Detected home intrusion, fire outbreak like a sudden increase in home temperature or smoke. Very low data throughput and battery life of the devices will be ultra critical.
    • Smart Garbage Bins: Garbage bins in city are not built by demand, and most of time the collecting trucks routes and schedule are fixed which is not optimal for a smooth collection. Smart garbage cans can signal to the waste management agent when the garbage can is full and in need of service, the best collection route will be calculated and delivered to the drivers. Historical collection data can provide optimized routes and guide on the right-size garbage can for each location. Charging for this service can be done on sensor amount or on monthly fee basis.
  2. IoT Industry:
    • Logistics Tracking: Tracking of shipping containers from aggregated sensor data of tracking devices in the container - location, weather condition etc., Relocation Services.
    • Asset Tracking: Tracking of physical assets from sensor data (track via GPS/cellular methods); helps the owners of the assets to detect and preemptively react to unexpected events - pet, child tracking, etc.,
    • Smart Agriculture: Targeted irrigation instead of calendar-based irrigation. Cattle feed with optimized nutrition - variation identified, assessed and corrected via sensor measurement data.
  3. IoT Appliances: Smart refrigerator; deployed on short range technologies like Z-Wave, Zigbee but a home gateway is needed. With NO-IoT,  management becomes more efficient through improvements in big data analysis.
  4. IoT Personal:
    • Wearables: for Health, fitness and wellness; smart watches. Gym training consultation by analyzing data captured by wearable devices.
    • Smart Bicycle: keep track of rental bikes, especially if stolen.
    • Kids monitoring: tracking of kids and elderly; real-time insights about the their status can be received on the users smartphone or other device.




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